"I don't care about knots."
"Un bel problema, anche se non lo risolvi, ti fa compagnia se ci pensi ogni tanto."
I suggest playing Land Of Ecodelia.
Teaching Material
In this section you will find the link to my university OneDrive account in which I have saved all the notes taken in class over the years. For convenience, I also attach the latex notes of Analysis I and II and submissions of various exams. As for the notes on the Geomtry II, they are partial, I therefore recommend consulting those of Filippo Giovagnini, who are well written.

First Year Notes (Bachelor)
Here you will find the notes of the courses I attended in the aforementioned academic year.

Second Year Notes (Bachelor)
Here you will find the notes of the courses I attended in the aforementioned academic year.

Third Year Notes (bachelor)
Here you will find the notes of the courses I attended in the aforementioned academic year.

First Year Notes (Master)
Here you will find the notes of the courses I attended in the aforementioned academic year.

Second Year Notes (Master)
Here you will find the notes of the courses I attended in the aforementioned academic year.

Tex notes, deliveries and projects.
Here you will find the "computational" section of my Mathematics course of study.
Send a email
If for some reason you need to contact me, you can do so here.