Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
All rights reserved.

App Engine Python SDK - Release Notes

Version 1.4.1
- During application creation, developers can choose between two Datastore
  configurations: High Replication or Master/Slave.
- You can set your application's datastore to read-only mode in the Admin
  Console. Any writes attempted while the app is set to read-only will throw a
  CapabilityDisabledError. This feature can be helpful for migrating or copying
  data between two applications.
- The Datastore Admin tool has been updated to allow copying of one app's
  datastore to another. The destination app must have the Remote API enabled.
- The deadline for offline URL Fetch API requests for Python and Java have been
  increased to a maximum of 10 minutes. The default deadline for offline
  URL Fetch requests remains the same.
- Fixed an issue where an AttributeError was occasionally thrown on a datastore

Version 1.4.0
- The Always On feature allows applications to pay and keep 3 instances of their
  application always running, which can significantly reduce application
- Developers can now enable Warmup Requests. By specifying  a handler in an
  app's app.yaml, App Engine will attempt to send a Warmup Request to initialize
  new instances before a user interacts with it. This can reduce the latency an
  end-user sees for initializing your application.
- The Channel API is now available for all users.
- Task Queue has been officially released, and is no longer an experimental
  feature. The API import paths that use 'labs' have been deprecated. Task queue
  storage will count towards an application's overall storage quota, and will
  thus be charged for.
- The deadline for Task Queue and Cron requests has been raised to 10 minutes.
  Datastore and API deadlines within those requests remain unchanged.
- For the Task Queue, developers can specify task retry_parameters in their
- Apps that have enabled billing are allowed up to 100 queues with the Task
  Queue API.
- Metadata Queries on the datastore for datastore kinds, namespaces, and entity
  properties are available.
- URLFetch allowed response size has been increased, up to 32 MB. Request size
  is still limited to 1 MB.
- The request and response sizes for the Images API have been increased to
  32 MB.
- The total size of Memcache batch operations is increased to 32 MB. The 1 MB
  limit on individual Memcache objects still applies.
- The attachment size for outgoing emails has been increased from 1 MB to 10 MB.
  The size limit for incoming emails is still 10 MB.
- Size and quantity limits on datastore batch get/put/delete operations have
  been removed. Individual entities are still limited to 1 MB, but your app may
  batch as many entities together for get/put/delete calls as the overall
  datastore deadline will allow for.
- When iterating over query results, the datastore will now asynchronously
  prefetch results, reducing latency in many cases by 10-15%.
- The Admin Console Blacklist page lists the top blacklist rejected visitors.
- The automatic image thumbnailing service supports arbitrary crop sizes up to
- Overall average instance latency in the Admin Console is now a weighted
  average over QPS per instance.
- The developer who uploaded an app version can download that version's code
  using the download_app command. This feature can be disabled on
  a per application basis in the admin console, under the 'Permissions' tab.
  Once disabled, code download for the application CANNOT be re-enabled.
- Fixed an issue where custom Admin Console pages did not work for Google
  Apps for your Domain users.
- In the Python runtime, an instance is killed and restarted when a request
  handler hits DeadlineExceededError. This should fix an issue related to
  intermittent SystemErrors using Django.
- Allow Django initialization to be moved to to avoid
  Django version conflicts when mixing webapp.template with pure Django.
- Fixed an issue with OpenId over SSL.
- Fixed an issue on the dev_appserver where login/logout code didn't work using
  Python 2.6.
- Fixed an issue in the dev_appserver where get_serving_url did not work
  for transparent, cropped PNGs:
- Fixed an issue with the DatastoreFileStub.

Version 1.3.8
- Builtin app.yaml handlers are available for common application functions,
  such as appstats.
- The Admin Console now provides an experimental tool to delete all entities in
  the datastore or all entities of a given type. This is available only if
  enabled using the datastore_admin builtin. Deleting entities will count
  against application quota.
- You can run task queue tasks immediately from the Admin Console.
- You can now specify the quality of JPEG images via the Image API's
  execute_transforms function. Available in production only.
- Support for login of multiple Google accounts within an app, and longer login
  sessions. For more information see:
- In queue.yaml, the maximum allowed bucket size is now 100.
- Precompilation is now enabled by default. To disable, use the
  --no_precompilation flag when updating your app.
- BlobInfo now has an open() method that returns a BlobReader.
- BlobReader now accepts a BlobInfo.
- Removed limits on zigzag merge-join queries. Therefore the error "The built-in
  indices are not efficient enough for this query and your data. Please add a
  composite index for this query." will no longer be thrown in most cases,
  enabling more types of queries without indexes.
- Fixed an issue with task queue tasks not running on the dev_appserver when
  using Python 2.6.
- Fixed an issue on the dev_appserver where auto task running wasn't working for
- Fixed an issue reserving App Ids by owners of similarly-named mails accounts
  containing periods, multiple cases, and address.
- Fixed an issue on the development server where PNGs were being returned as

Version 1.3.7
- Fix an issue where namespace_manager.google_apps_namespace() was not included
  in the 1.3.6 release.

Version 1.3.6
- Multitenancy is now supported in the datastore, allowing better
  compartmentalization of user data.
- Automatic image thumbnailing is now available in the Images API using
- Users can now serve custom static error pages for over_quota, dos_api_denial
  and default cases.
- Results of datastore count() queries and offsets for all datastore queries
  are no longer capped at 1000.
- Added a pause queue button to the task queue details page in the Admin
- Historical graphs have been added to all of the dashboard graphs in the Admin
- Content-range headers are supported on Blobstore downloads.
- Remote API now supports the Blobstore API.
- New method to allocate datastore ids in a given range: db.allocate_id_range().
- New db method is_in_transaction() determines if a transaction is still open.
- Increased several rate limited quotas for free applications.
- Fixed an issue in where unindexed property lists for user-specified
  property names were ignored.
- Fixed an issue where the task queue uses local time instead of UTC time to
  compute job ETA.
- Fixed an issue in the SDK with datastore cursors being too large.

Version 1.3.5
- Developers can enable Python pre-compilation to decrease start up time for
  new application instances. This can be enabled by including the
  derived_file_type in your app.yaml.
- Ability to configure the Task Queue storage limit with the
  total_storage_limit field in the queue.yaml file.
- Task Queues now support up to 50 qps per queue, up from 50 qps per app.
- Developers can programmatically access Blobs with BlobReader, a file-like
  interface for reading blobs.
- Bulkloader transform helpers for lists and hierarchical keys were added.
- remote_api_shell commands can be sent over HTTPS or HTTP.
- Admin Console logs now include information on request time latency.
- Db.delete will now accept an iterable, in addition to a list of models or
- The datastore now supports end cursors.
- Fixed an issue properly handling a query with an offset that returns no
- Fixed an issue that improperly allowed quad-dotted netmasks as subnet prefixes
  for the DoS API.
- Fixed an issue via user submitted patch in the SDK dataviewer displaying
  multiline StringProperties.

Version 1.3.4
- New bulkloader configuration syntax and wizard for easier import/export with
  the datastore.
- Applications can now be configured to authenticate with OpenID by selecting
  the OpenID option when creating your application in the admin console.
- New API to allow App Engine apps to act as OAuth service providers.
- Auto task execution is now enabled in the dev_appserver. To turn this off
  use the flag --disable_task_running.
- Fixed an issue using db.put() with constructor initialized id based keys.

Version 1.3.3
- A new experimental feature allows you to set dev_appserver datastore file
  stub to use sqlite. To enable, set the flag --use_sqlite=true.
- It is now possible to implement properties on db.Expando.
- Fixed a datastore issue where an error was thrown when setting a query offset
  to more than the number of results throws an error.
- Fixed issue not allowing ByteString type to be viewed in the Development
  Console datastore viewer.

Version 1.3.2
- New API to read the contents of uploaded Blobs (fetch_data)
- URLFetch now supports accessing ports 80-90, 440-450, and 1024-65535
- Mail API now allows common document formats as attachments
- The Task Queue API now supports adding multiple tasks in a single call to
- Fixed charset handling for inbound emails
- Fixed issue with compositing background colors in dev_appserver
- New feature in the datastore to specify whether to use strong or eventually
  consistent reads (the default is strong)
- New datastore feature allows setting deadlines for operations
- Increased the maximum Task Queue refill rate from 20/s to 50/s
- Support for IP blacklisting to prevent denial of service (DoS) attacks
- Fix an issue with Mac Launcher in Mac OSX 10.5.5
- Fix issue with slow updates when there are many skipped files
- Fix issue with cursor not updating when using a GqlQuery

Version 1.3.1
  - Datastore Query Cursors
  - Transactional Task Creation
  - Support for Custom Admin Console pages
  - New "month" and "synchronized" syntax for Cron configuration
  - Application Stats library now included in with SDK
  - Bulk Loader supports bulk downloading all kinds simultaneously
  - validates SSL certificates for HTTPS on Upload
  - Support for ETags, If-matches, If-not-matches HTTP Headers, as well as 304
    status codes now available on static files (not available on the
    dev_appserver or Blobstore blobs)

Version 1.3.0 - December 14, 2009
  - Adds support for the new Blobstore API

Version 1.2.8 - October 28, 2009
  - New memcache offset_multi method and batch support in incr and decr.
  - Urlfetch Response object now contains final_url of 302 redirects.
  - Additional file extensions permitted when sending mail.
  - Fixed issue decoding messages for incoming mail.
  - Fixed issue with datastore list properties containing both blob (or text)
    and non-blob values.
  - Admin console includes more information about indexes being built.
  - Fixed Users API usage with remote_api
  - Fixed issue with IN queries in remote_api
  - Bulk Loader --dump and --restore now work across app IDs.
  - Bulk Loader --restore works with numeric IDs.
  - Bulk Loader exporter maps __key__ property to the entity key.
  - Fixed issue in Bulk Loader with missing properties on export.
  - Fixed issue in Bulk Loader with line breaks in data.
  - Fixed exception in Bulk Loader with certain data ranges.
  - Added SERVER_SOFTWARE environment variable to runtime.
  - Over Quota HTTP status code changed from 403 to 503
  - Task Queue now considers all HTTP 2xx status codes to represent success
  - Task Queue now supports purging all tasks in a queue from the Admin Console.
  - Task Queue now supports deleting a non-empty queue from the Admin Console.
  - New "auth_fail_action: unauthorized" option in app.yaml: when present, a
    401 status code will be returned instead of a 302 redirect to the Google
    Accounts login page for pages with login: required. [Python only for now]

Version 1.2.7 - October 14, 2009
  - Changed the 'key' parameter to Model.__init__ to be keyword only.
  - Fixed taskqueue import in Remote API.

Version 1.2.6 - September 17, 2009
  - Added incoming email support.
  - Remote API now supports XMPP and task queues.
  - The default for all handlers is now secure: optional. Users can
    now access all pages via SSL unless explicitly disallowed.
  - Remote API now supports HTTPS.
  - Appcfg now uses https by default.
  - now supports the --application and --version flags to
    override the values specified in app.yaml.
  - GQL now supports '= NULL' queries.
  - The db.Model constructor now supports explicitly setting a key
    (and thus an id) for a Model instance.
  - New Datastore stats api. Stats are also visible in the admin console.
  - Bulkloader dump and restore now supports restoring to a different
    app id and restoring numeric keys.

Version 1.2.5 - August 13, 2009
  - The Windows Python SDK now includes a GUI launcher, similar to the Mac SDK.
  - Added XMPP support.
  - Datastore now supports multiple writes to the same entity within a
  - Datastore entity key names can now start with a digit.
  - Datastore now supports ancestor + kind queries without a composite index
  - Bulkloader now supports configurationless dump and restore with new
    --dump and --restore options.
  - Bulkloader now supports a --dry_run flag to testing data prior to uploading.
  - now allows specifying any end date for request_logs.
  - Urlfetch now allows setting the Referer header.
  - Urlfetch stub now correctly handles HEAD requests.
  - New remote_api_shell tool for interactive remote_api operations.
  - New google.ext.ereporter module to collect and email exception reports.
  - New google.ext.deferred module to execute ad-hoc tasks on the Task Queue.

Version 1.2.4 - July 16, 2009
  - Added support for kindless queries, ie. transaction descendant queries.
  - Composite indexes no longer required for certain types of key queries.
  - Improved exception reporting in the bulkloader.
  - Datastore transaction RPC sent at beginning of transaction rather than
    upon first Datastore request.
  - PolyModel supports keys_only query.
  - Remote API supports more API's (Images, Memcache and URLFetch).
  - Remote API shell.
  - Support for multiple inheritance for Model and PolyModel.
  - Enhancement to SearchableModel allowing multiple properties to be
  - Various code quality improvements.

Version 1.2.3 - June 1, 2009

  - Task Queue support available as google.appengine.api.labs.taskqueue.
  - Django 1.0 support. You must install Django locally on your machine
    for the SDK but no longer need to upload it to App Engine.
      from google.appengine.dist import use_library
      use_library('django', '1.0')
  - Urlfetch supports asynchronous requests.
  - Urlfetch in SDK now matches App Engine more closely:
    By default, it now sets the referer header, does not set the Accept
    header, and sets Accept-Encoding to gzip.
  - Fixed issue with httplib and absolute URLs.
  - Memcache key length is no longer restricted to 250 bytes: longer keys
    will be replaced with a hash of the key.
  - Datastore ancestor queries now work within transactions.
  - Datastore transactions in SDK now snapshot on the first operation so they
    do not see writes made during the transaction. Matches App Engine.

Version 1.2.2 - April 22, 2009

  - New quota API which returns the CPU usage of the current request.
      from google.appengine.api import quota
      cpu_usage_so_far = quota.get_request_cpu_usage()
  - Urlfetch fetch now has support for user configurable deadlines.
  - Urlfetch in the SDK allows the Accept-Encoding header to match App Engine.
  - urllib now supports HTTPS in addition to HTTP
  - Datastore indexes on single properties can now be disabled by setting
    indexed=False on the property constructor.
  - Datastore now supports Key-only queries, using either SELECT __key__ or
    or db.Query(Model, keys_only=True)
  - Fixed issues with Datastore IN filters and sorting: sort order is now
    correct, and can be used with __key__.
  - Cron supports additional time specification formats.
  - Fixed an issue in the dev_appserver admin console datastore viewer
    (/_ah/admin/datastore) with sorting columns containing None types.
  - Bulk Loader improvements:  New appcfg download_data command.
    Better backoff support and debugging output for long requests.
  - New --vhost flag on request_logs command to select logs for
    a particular host.
  - Python _ast module is now available for import
  - Fixed issue with the color argument of the Images API composite method.

Version 1.2.1 - April 13, 2009

  - Stable, unique IDs for User objects. The Users service now
    provides a unique user_id for each user that stays the same even
    if a user changes her email address.
  - The Images API now supports compositing images and calculating
    a color histogram for an image.
  - New allowed mail attachment types: ics, vcf
  - Urlfetch requests can now set the User-Agent header.
  - An App Engine-specific version of the Python PyCrypto cryptography
    library is now available. Learn more at
  - The bulk loader configuration format has allow non-CSV
    input. This change is not backwards compatible, so you will need to
    update your code.
    An early release of the bulk downloader is also now available in Learn more about these changes at:
  - Fixed parsing of unicode GQL queries.
  - Fixed dev_appserver security restrictions for os.path
  - Fixed Reply-To header set in emails sent from dev_appserver.

Version 1.2.0 - March 24, 2009
  - Cron support. will upload the schedule to App Engine.
      The dev_appserver console at /_ah/admin describes your schedule but does
      not automatically run scheduled jobs. Learn more at
  - New allow_skipped_files flag in dev_appserver to allow it to read files
    which are not available in App Engine.
  - New upload_data command in appcfg to run the bulk uploader.

Version 1.1.9 - February 2, 2009

  - HTTP Request and Response limit raised to 10MB from 1MB.
    Note that API call limits remain at 1MB.
  - urllib and urllib2 now available, implemented using urlfetch.
    Also adds additional stubs which may enable other modules.
  - Early release of a new data bulk upload tool,
  - New remote_api for datastore at google.appengine.ext.remote_api
  - Single property descending indexes are automatically generated.
  - Added db.Query support for IN and != operators.
  - Fixed issue where gql date/time parsing could not handle Unicode strings.
  - Fixed issue with db model instance key() returning the wrong key for
    unsaved instances with parent as key
  - New run_in_transaction_custom_retries method for datastore.
  - Fixed issue with relative dev_appserver datastore and history paths.
  - Static files and skipped files are not readable in dev_appserver, to match
    the behavior on App Engine.
  - Images API allows multiple transforms of the same type in one request. A
    limit of 10 total transforms per request has been added.
  - PIL import will work with both PIL.Image and Image.
  - Fixed an issue with sending email in dev_appserver when the application
    code changed.
  - Memcache counters (incr/decr) do nothing on non positive integers to match
    the behavior on App Engine.

Version 1.1.8 - January 7, 2008
  - Skip_files RegexStr validator allows lists to for regex-ors.
  - sys.path and sys.argv are no longer reset for each request.
  - New ByteString data type for the datastore.  Indexed non-text short-blob.
  - UserProperty now takes auto_current_user and auto_current_user_add
  - Support for polymorphic models and queries.
  - db.Model.order() now supports __key__.
  - Urlfetch no longer sets content-length: 0 when there is no body.
  - Get height and width of an image via the Images API.
  - Limit auto-Bcc of email sender to the case where the email sender is the
    currently-logged-in user.
  - Adds limit of 100 order/filters on datastore query size to the SDK.
  - Fix unicode support for the bulkloader
  - from the appengine/tools directory to the appengine/ directory
  - Modify webapp to use logging.exception instead of logging.error.
  - Additional fixes to SDK sanitizing response headers to match production.

Version 1.1.7 - November 20, 2008
  - Fixed an issue with urlfetch response headers.

Version 1.1.6 - November 17, 2008

  - Datastore now supports filtering and sorting on the __key__ special
    property, which evaluates to each entity's key.
  - Fixed a bug where it was possible to append None to ListProperty.
  - Datastore appengine.ext.db models allow deletion by key without
    instantiating a model instance.
  - Datastore models allow access to key name before put() if key_name given.
  - Datastore fetch max results and max query offset match production limits.
  - Fixed an issue in production where query fails with NeedIndexError when
    a model has two ancestor indexes.
  - Allow trailing whitespace in PropertyValueFromString for datetime.
  - Fixed to_xml on models with binary data in a BlobProperty: they now
    are base64 encoded.
    Note: This changes XML serialization.
  - Fixed an issue with setting expando attributes.
  - Fixed an issue where TypeError was raised instead of NeedIndexError for
    "merge join" queries, i.e. queries with only equals filters and no ancestor
    or sort orders, that still need an index.
  - URLFetch in the SDK now has the same 5 second timeout to match production.
  - URLFetch response headers are combined
  - URLFetch now uses original method when following a redirect.
  - URLFetch logs a warning when using a non standard port.
  - URLFetch allows integers as values in request headers.
  - Enforce response size and API request size limits to match production.
  - SDK sanitizes response headers to match production
  - Login URLs now require login in the SDK to match production.
  - Fixed an issue with long URLs in HTTP 302 redirect responses.
  - Fixed an issue with regular expressions in static_files in app.yaml
  - SDK only allows "C" locale to match production.
  - Support the bufsize positional arg in open()/file().
  - lstat is aliased to stat.
  - appcfg handles index building errors more gracefully.
  - Fixed an issue with symlinks in the path to the Python core libraries.

Version 1.1.5 - September 29, 2008

  - Additional fixes for file paths on Windows and OSX.
  - Sped up the datastore stub.
  - Allow different types in list properties in datastore.Entity and Expando.
  - Add add_multi and replace_multi to memcache API.
  - Ignore errors from the API proxy when calling memcache read methods.
  - Set the webapp Request charset property more accurately from CONTENT_TYPE.
  - Fixed an issue in the development console with schema caching.
  - Fixed an issue with StringListProperty not returning a class
  - Fixed an issue in the development console where quotes couldn't be used
      within fields.
  - Fixed an issue with TimeProperty("0:0") (midnight).

Version 1.1.4 - September 26, 2008

  - Fixed issue with incorrectly escaping static_files paths on Windows.
  - Workaround -inf not being supported on Windows in Datastore.

Version 1.1.3 - September 8, 2008

  - Added support for zipimport.
  - Added zipserve module for serving static content from a zip file.
      See google/appengine/ext/zipserve/ for more information.
  - Added a memcache viewer to the development console.
  - Added new follow_redirects flag to the URLFetch service.
  - Fixed caching headers for static content.
  - Fixed an issue with incorrectly escaping paths on Windows.
  - Fixed an issue with the current directory while running applications.

Version 1.1.2 - August 20, 2008

  - Batch puts across Datastore entity groups.
  - Transaction retries reduced from 10 to 3.
  - Fixed certain transaction failures being silent.
  - Added support for indexes with a single repeated property.

Version 1.1.1 - July 21, 2008

  - Fixed DELETE for URLFetch on dev_appserver.
  - Fixed PATH_INFO to be un-escaped version of the path.
  - Fixed order function testing for property on Expando class.
  - Support all mail attachment mime-types under Windows.
  - Added support for date and time objects to GQL.
  - Fixed memcache KeyError problem.
  - Default URLFetch POST content-type is x-www-form-urlencoded.
  - Fixed problems where global variables would be set to None
    when a request raised an exception or returned an error
  - Added support for GIFs and JPEG using PIL.
  - Added support for type conversion of literals to GQL.
  - Added support for pickling Expando instances.
  - Added APPLICATION_ID environment variable to runtime.
  - Added support for key_name to djangoforms.
  - Added ability to put multiple transaction groups in one request
    outside of transactions.
  - Added support for downloading request logs using appcfg.
  - Fixed DateProperty not supporting values before 1970 and beyond
    Jan. 19, 2038.
  - Set cap of 5000 indexed properties per entity.
  - GoogleAppEngineLauncher now has context menus in the main project
  - UI improvements to GoogleAppEngineLauncher preferences window.
  - Fixed GoogleAppEngineLauncher broken symlink for bulk_uploadclient.

Version 1.1.0 - May 28, 2008

  - Added an API for image manipulation.
  - Added memcache API.
  - Fixed URLFetch for URLs with query strings.
  - Added support for multiple values for the same filter string.
  - Fixed URLFetch's referrer to now set itself to the application's
  - Added --show_mail_body flag to
  - Added support for IN and != to GQL.
  - Fixed URLFetch to accept strings as well as constant integers.
  - Added CURRENT_VERSION_ID environment variable.
  - Fixed uploading issues affecting developers.
  - Fixed Datastore API to allow the assignment of [] to non-dynamic
    DB attributes.
  - Fixed NeedIndexError to include the index that the query needed.

Version 1.0.2 - May 15, 2008

  - Fixed UTC timezone issue on Windows.
  - Fixed webapp template cache bug.
  - URLFetch service redirect behavior now matches deployed behavior.
  - Better handling of bad HOMEDRIVE parameters on Windows.
  - Fixed HTTP response header termination.
  - Fixed behavior with source files that have Windows line-endings or
    missing line-endings.
  - Fixed C-Extension module loading issues.
  - Fixed Windows DLL extension loading issues.
  - Added missing os.uname function.
  - Windows installer can now over-install.
  - Windows installer now allows installation even if it can't find Python.
  - Fixed skip_files exception.
  - Better error handling for cookie-file related problems.
  - User platform, SDK version, and Python version are now supplied to
    server-side on deployment; also supplied on dev_appserver start-up
    if the "nag" is enabled.

Version 1.0.1 - April 14, 2008

  - Fixed app.yaml static_dir attribute on Windows.
  - Fixed uploading large files on OSX.
  - Fixed recursion issue in webapp template rendering cache.
  - Fixed MacPorts installation.