Cristiano Ricci
University of Pisa, Department of Economics
cristiano.ricci [at]
- The spatial evolution of economic activities and the emergence of cities - Journal of Economic Theory (2025)
- A non-invariance result for the spatial AK model - Decisions in Economics and Finance (2024)
- A mean field game model for COVID-19 with human capital accumulation - with D. Ghilli and G. Zanco - Economic Theory (2023)
- Balancing economic and epidemiological interventions in the early stages of pathogen emergence - with A. Dobson, R. Boucekkine, F. Gozzi, G. Fabbri, T. Loch-Temzelides and M. Pascual - Science Advances (2023)
- The Mathematical modeling of Cancer growth and angiogenesis by an individual based interacting system - with F. Flandoli and M. Leocata - Journal of Theoretical Biology (2023)
- Numerical computation of probabilities for nonlinear SDEs in high dimension using Kolmogorov equation - with F. Flandoli and D. Luo - Applied Mathematics and Computation (2023)
- A mean-field approach to self-interacting network, convergence and regularity - with R. Catellier and Y. D'Angelo - M3AS (2021)
- On the relation between the Girsanov transform and the Kolmogorov equations for SPDE - with F. Flandoli and D. Luo - Potential Analysis (2020)
- On the Macroscopic limit of Brownian Particles with local interaction - with F. Flandoli and M. Leocata - Stochastics and Dynamics (2020)
- A numerical approach to kolmogorov equation in high dimension based on gaussian analysis - with F. Flandoli and D. Luo - JMAA (2020)
- New particle representations for ergodic McKean-Vlasov SDEs - with H. AlRachid, M. Bossy and L. Szpruch - ESAIM: ProcS (2019)
- The Vlasov-Navier-Stokes equations as a mean field limit - with F. Flandoli and M. Leocata - DCDS-B (2019)
- The Navier-Stokes-Vlasov-Fokker-Planck system as a scaling limit of particles in a fluid - with F. Flandoli and M. Leocata - Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics (2018)