Using Spack for a C project
Review of using Spack for managing a C project I'm working on for a uni project

Using Spack


Recently I’ve been working on an university C project. In this project I have to implement the Arnoldi Iteration for a beowulf cluster we have in our department. This project is written in C and uses MPI through PETSc, a library that provides distributed matrix and vector math operations.

In this post I will describe how I setup my project using Spack, a package manager for scientific computing and how I’ve integrated it with VSCode for a better development experience.


IDE integration



After the first run of cmake .. you can just run make and it will also rebuild cmake related files if needed.

# To build a CMake project
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

# To run an MPI program
$ mpirun -n 4 ./my-program

Setup & Package Installation

First you need to install Spack, you can do this by cloning the repository and sourcing the setup script for your shell. After that you can install the needed dependencies to your local cache. Many dependencies I used took a long time to compile so this was a good way to avoid recompiling them in every environment.

# Manually install spack
$ git clone -c feature.manyFiles=true --depth=2
$ . spack/share/spack/ # or the one for your shell

# First discover available compilers
$ spack compiler list
$ spack compiler find

# Install needed deps to local cache (then available in all envs)
$ spack install <spec>


I really like modern package managers that have a file with all needed dependencies (NodeJS has package.json, Python has requirements.txt, Rust has Cargo.toml and so on). Spack has a similar concept called “environments” that mostly work like virtualenvs in Python. This is how you can create and activate an environment.

$ spack env create ./my-env
$ spack env activate ./my-env

# Add dependency to this environment
$ spack add <spec>

# Magic...
$ spack concretize

# Load package in current shell (exposes binaries in bin/, libs in lib/, ...)
$ spack load <package>

The major difference from classical package managers is that one can install the same package with different options, dependencies and even compiled with different compilers.

A spec is a string that describes a package and its dependencies. For example to cite the Spack documentation, an example spec is the following

mpileaks @1.2:1.4 %gcc@4.7.5 +debug -qt target=x86_64 ^callpath @1.1 %gcc@4.7.2

If provided to spack install, this will install the mpileaks library at some version between 1.2 and 1.4 (inclusive), built using gcc at version 4.7.5 for a generic x86_64 architecture, with debug options enabled, and without qt support. Additionally, it says to link it with the callpath library (which it depends on), and to build callpath with gcc version 4.7.2. Most specs will not be as complicated as this one, but this is a good example of what is possible with specs.

For clarity, here is the breakdown of the spec in a yaml-like format

  version: 1.2:1.4
    name: gcc
    version: 4.7.5
    - debug
    - ~qt
  target: x86_64
      version: 1.1
        name: gcc
        version: 4.7.2

In the C world it is a common practice to have interfaces “at the project level”. For example spack has an mpi virtual package that has various implementations (e.g. openmpi or mpich). So we can actually build the same package using different dependencies.

VSCode Integration

After various attempts I found that PETSc has good support for compiling with Makefiles and CMake. I experimented a bit with raw makefiles but had no success making IDE integration work with VSCode.

Then I found this article about compile_commands.json and the clangd extension for VSCode. To be short this is all the config to setup after installing that extension


I’m really happy with the setup I have now that auto-completion is working in my IDE. I can now focus on the actual project. Maybe in a future post I will write a bit about the Arnoldi Iteration and how I implemented it in C using PETSc.