Home page of Filippo Giovagnini

It's time to switch to English. Let me introduce myself. I am a Master student of Mathematics at the University of Pisa and this is my personal webpage. In this page you can find something about me and my mathematical experiences. You can find my updated Curriculum Vitae and the list of my marks. Furthermore you can find almost all the notes I took during the lessons I attended. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you find any type of mistake. My e-mail addres is at the bottom of this page. Click here to go to my Imperial College Profile:

A simulation of the Brownian motion of 5 particles stolen by Wikipedia

Feature 01

First Year

Still working on it.

Feature 02

Second Year

Click here to get access to the OneDrive folder with the notes of my second year: Second year

Feature 03

Third year

Click here to get access to the OneDrive folder with the notes of my third year: Third year

Feature 04

Fourth year

Click here to get access to the OneDrive folder with the notes of my fourth year: Fourth year

Feature 05

Fifth year

Click here to get access to the OneDrive folder with the notes of my fifth year: Fifth year

Feature 04

Exchange at ETHZ

Click here to get access to the OneDrive folder with the notes of my semester period at ETH: Exchange at ETHZ

Feature 05

Introduction to the mathematical theory of incompressible fluids

Click here to get access to the OneDrive folder with the notes of the course at BCAM, Bilbao: Fifth year

Some works

Works in collaboration with other students: (unfortunately not in English)
  • Analisi 1 - J. Burelli
  • Analisi 2 - J. Burelli, N. Muca Cirone, F. Giovagnini

Curriculum Vitae and Marks

Official documents:

To contact me, please use f.giovagnini23 -at- imperial.ac.uk or click here:
