Rosario Mennuni
Model theory postdoc at Università degli Studi di Milano
Curriculum Vitae
Email: replace "x" and "y" with "R.Mennuni" and "posteo" in ""
Seminario di logica Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Pisa: sul sito del Dipartimento di Matematica, su Indico, e relativa mailing list.
Riflessioni su precariato accademico, tagli e riforma Bernini: versione integrale e versione semplificata.
The Amalgamation Property for automorphisms of ordered abelian groups with J. Dobrowolski
(previous title: Dependent positive theories and automorphisms of ordered structures)
The domination monoid in henselian valued fields with M. Hils
Vector spaces with a union of independent subspaces with A. Berarducci and M. Mamino
Self-divisible ultrafilters and congruences in βℤ with M. Di Nasso, L. Luperi Baglini, M. Pierobon and M. Ragosta
Some definable types that cannot be amalgamated with M. Hils
On double-membership graphs of models of Anti-Foundation with B. Adam-Day and J. Howe
The domination monoid in o-minimal theories
Weakly binary expansions of dense meet-trees
Product of invariant types modulo domination-equivalence
Model-theoretic dividing lines via posets with D. García
Ultrafilters, congruences and profinite groups , Freiburg, June 2023
Automorphisms of ordered abelian groups, the Amalgamation Property, and dependent positive theories, Leeds, January 2023
The domination monoid in henselian valued fields, Colmar, September 2021
Viewpoints on stability and forking (mini-course), SMTH2, June 2021
Double-membership graphs of models of Anti-Foundation, Manchester, September 2019
Invariant types in model theory (PhD thesis) (abstract) (White Rose eTheses Online)
Definable Groups, NIP Theories, and the Ellis Group Conjecture (Master thesis) (etd)
Past Teaching
Logica Matematica 23/24, con Marcello Mamino, parte 2/4 Appunti
Elementi di Teoria degli Insiemi 23/24, con Mauro Di Nasso, esercitazioni
Model Theory 21/22 PhD course Notes
Amalgamating first-order structures (mini-course), lecture notes Pdf (source code inside)
Logica Matematica 23/24, partial lecture notes Pdf (source code inside)
Model Theory Course Notes Pdf (source code inside)
Old Notes
Appunti Istituzioni di Algebra: Pdf (sorgente all'interno)
Neostability Theory notes: Pdf (source code inside)
Cardinal Characteristics and Large Cardinals notes: Pdf (source code inside)
I have removed some obsolete notes from this page.
If you came here because you were looking for them, please drop me an email.
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