Migrato il lavoro duro sul backend e configurata la grafica

Leonardo Robol [2009-09-20 06:59]
Migrato il lavoro duro sul backend e configurata la grafica
con una table. In ogni caso la table fa schifo, quindi probabilmente
ci sarà un mezzo revert.
diff --git a/DrPrint b/DrPrint
index 6a4b98c..4eed144 100755
--- a/DrPrint
+++ b/DrPrint
@@ -2,10 +2,13 @@

 import gtk, pygtk
 from DrPrintGui.MainWin import MainWin
+from DrPrintBackend import Backend

 if __name__ == "__main__":
+   backend = Backend()

-   mw = MainWin()
+   mw = MainWin(backend)


diff --git a/DrPrintBackend.py b/DrPrintBackend.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5714359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DrPrintBackend.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+## Some useful function to help DrPrint to
+## print
+import paramiko
+class Backend():
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def send_print(self, printer, username, password, page_per_page, filename):
+        # Get printer name
+        print "Selected printer: %s" % printer
+        # Get connection
+        client = paramiko.SSHClient()
+        client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
+        client.connect('ssh.dm.unipi.it',
+                       port=22,
+                       username=username,
+                       password=password)
+        channel = client.get_transport().open_session()
+        print "Printing %s" % filename
+        f = open(filename, 'r')
+        channel.exec_command("lpr -P%s" % printer)
+        channel.sendall( f.read() )
+        f.close()
+        channel.close()
+        print "Printed %s on %s" % (filename, printer)
diff --git a/DrPrintGui/Input.py b/DrPrintGui/Input.py
index 560c857..806416a 100644
--- a/DrPrintGui/Input.py
+++ b/DrPrintGui/Input.py
@@ -11,9 +11,6 @@ class UsernameField(gtk.Entry):
         self.set_text( "Utente" )

 class PasswordField(gtk.Entry):

     def __init__(self, parent=None):
@@ -79,3 +76,20 @@ class PrinterComboBox(gtk.HBox):
     def get_printer(self):
         return self.combobox.get_active_text()

+class PagePerPageComboBox(gtk.HBox):
+    def __init__(self):
+        gtk.HBox.__init__(self)
+        self.combobox = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
+        self.combobox.append_text("1")
+        self.combobox.append_text("2")
+        self.combobox.append_text("4")
+        self.combobox.set_active(0)
+        self.pack_start( self.combobox )
+        self.combobox.show()
+    def get_page_per_page(self):
+        return self.combobox.get_active_text()
diff --git a/DrPrintGui/Input.pyc b/DrPrintGui/Input.pyc
index 9ba95f8..88c35e8 100644
Binary files a/DrPrintGui/Input.pyc and b/DrPrintGui/Input.pyc differ
diff --git a/DrPrintGui/MainWin.py b/DrPrintGui/MainWin.py
index 4abe6fc..0c1b9e1 100644
--- a/DrPrintGui/MainWin.py
+++ b/DrPrintGui/MainWin.py
@@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ __author__ = 'Leonardo Robol <leo@robol.it>'

 import gtk, pygtk

-from Input import UsernameField, PasswordField, PrintButton, SelectFileWidget, PrinterComboBox
+from Input import UsernameField, PasswordField, PrintButton, SelectFileWidget, PrinterComboBox, PagePerPageComboBox

-import paramiko

 class MainWin(gtk.Window):
     """MainWin object for DrPrint"""

-    def __init__(self, parent=None):
+    def __init__(self, backend=None):
+        self.backend = backend

         gtk.Window.__init__(self, gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)

@@ -35,46 +36,84 @@ class MainWin(gtk.Window):
         from DrPrintGui"""

         # The main LayOut VBox
-        layout_box = gtk.VBox()
-        layout_box.set_spacing( self.default_spacing )
+        layout_box = gtk.Table(rows=9,columns=4)
+        # Qualche istruzinoe preliminare
+        label = gtk.Label()
+        label.set_markup("<b>Come usare questo programma:</b>\n\
+1) Inserire nome utente e password - 2) Scegliere il file da stampare e la\
+ stampante - 3) Premere il tasto stampa")
+        layout_box.attach(label, 0, 7, 0, 1)
+        label.show()

-        # The authentication Input
-        authentication_box = gtk.HBox()
-        authentication_box.set_spacing( self.default_spacing )
+        # The authentication Input (riga 1)
+        for j in range(0, 8):
+            layout_box.set_row_spacing( j , self.default_spacing )
+        for j in range(0,2):
+            layout_box.set_col_spacing( j , self.default_spacing )
+        ## Un po' di spazio fra la spiegazione e la sostanza
+        layout_box.set_row_spacing(0, 20)
+        layout_box.set_homogeneous(False)
+        label = gtk.Label()
+        label.set_markup("<b>Autenticazione</b>")
+        layout_box.attach( label, 0, 2, 1, 2 )
+        label.show()
+        label = gtk.Label("Utente")
+        layout_box.attach( label, 0 , 1, 2 , 3)
+        label.show()

         self.user_field = UsernameField()
-        authentication_box.pack_start(self.user_field, 1)
+        layout_box.attach( self.user_field, 1, 3, 2 , 3)

+        label = gtk.Label("Password")
+        layout_box.attach( label, 0, 1, 3, 4)
+        label.show()
         self.password_field = PasswordField()
-        authentication_box.pack_start(self.password_field, 1)
+        layout_box.attach(self.password_field, 1, 3, 3, 4)

-        self.print_button = PrintButton()
-        authentication_box.pack_start(self.print_button, 1)
-        self.print_button.show()
-        layout_box.pack_start ( authentication_box )
-        authentication_box.show()
         # The PDF file loading and print settings
-        file_chooser_box = gtk.HBox()
-        file_chooser_box.set_spacing ( self.default_spacing )
-        self.select_file_widget = SelectFileWidget()
-        file_chooser_box.pack_start( self.select_file_widget )
-        self.select_file_widget.show()
+        label = gtk.Label()
+        label.set_markup("<b>Configurazione stampante</b>")
+        layout_box.attach(label, 0, 2, 4, 5)
+        label.show()
+        label = gtk.Label("Stampante")
+        layout_box.attach(label, 0, 1, 5, 6)
+        label.show()

         self.printer_chooser = PrinterComboBox()
-        file_chooser_box.pack_start(self.printer_chooser)
+        layout_box.attach( self.printer_chooser, 1, 3, 5, 6)
-        layout_box.pack_start (file_chooser_box)

-        file_chooser_box.show()
+        label = gtk.Label("File")
+        layout_box.attach(label, 0, 1, 7, 8)
+        label.show()
+        self.select_file_widget = SelectFileWidget()
+        layout_box.attach( self.select_file_widget, 1, 3, 7, 8)
+        self.select_file_widget.show()
+        self.print_button = PrintButton()
+        layout_box.attach(self.print_button, 2, 3, 8, 9)
+        self.print_button.show()

+        label = gtk.Label("Pagine per foglio")
+        layout_box.attach(label, 0, 1, 6, 7)
+        label.show()

+        self.page_per_page = PagePerPageComboBox()
+        layout_box.attach(self.page_per_page, 1, 3, 6, 7)
+        self.page_per_page.show()

         self.add (layout_box)
@@ -84,35 +123,23 @@ class MainWin(gtk.Window):
         self.print_button.connect('clicked', self.print_button_clicked_callback)

     def print_button_clicked_callback(self, widget):
-        self.send_print()
+        if not self.backend == None:
+            printer = self.printer_chooser.get_printer()
+            username = self.user_field.get_text()
+            password = self.password_field.get_text()
+            filename = self.select_file_widget.GetFile()
+            page_per_page = self.page_per_page.get_page_per_page()
+            self.backend.send_print(printer = printer,
+                                    username = username,
+                                    password = password,
+                                    filename = filename,
+                                    page_per_page = page_per_page)
+        else:
+            self.debug( "Sembra che non ci sia un backend attaccato\
+ a questa interfaccia, quindi non faccio nulla")

-    def send_print(self):
-        # Get printer name
-        printer = self.printer_chooser.get_printer()
-        print "Select printer: %s" % printer
-        # Get connection
-        client = paramiko.SSHClient()
-        username = self.user_field.get_text()
-        password = self.password_field.get_text()
-        client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy())
-        client.connect('ssh.dm.unipi.it',
-                       port=22,
-                       username=username,
-                       password=password)
-        channel = client.get_transport().open_session()
-        filename = self.select_file_widget.GetFile()
-        print "Printing %s" % filename
-        f = open(filename, 'r')
-        channel.exec_command("lpr -P%s" % printer)
-        channel.sendall( f.read() )
-        f.close()
-        channel.close()

     def debug(self, text):
         print text
diff --git a/DrPrintGui/MainWin.pyc b/DrPrintGui/MainWin.pyc
index 1920fc3..2f30056 100644
Binary files a/DrPrintGui/MainWin.pyc and b/DrPrintGui/MainWin.pyc differ