bundle.py works with python3 and python2, except for python3.2 where tarfile

Leonardo Robol [2011-10-02 13:36]
bundle.py works with python3 and python2, except for python3.2 where tarfile
is broken (hopefully the bug is being solved).
diff --git a/bundle.py b/bundle.py
index ebaccb8..8a6bd46 100755
--- a/bundle.py
+++ b/bundle.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

@@ -81,9 +81,8 @@ class Bundle():
         # Dump file_content
         self._bundle_path = self._appname + ".bundle"
         if os.path.exists (self._bundle_path):
-            r = ask ("%s already exists, overwrite it? [y/n]" % self._bundle_path)
-            if (r != "y"):
-                return None
+            print_msg ("Not overwriting %s, please remove it manually" % self._bundle_path)
+            return None
         with open(self._bundle_path, "w") as handle:
             handle.write (file_content.decode ("utf-8"))
         return self._bundle_path
@@ -101,25 +100,22 @@ class Bundle():
         tmp_d = tempfile.mkdtemp ()
         os.chdir (tmp_d)

-        with open (os.path.join (tmp_d, "bundle.tar"), "wb") as handle:
+        with open ("bundle.tar", "wb") as handle:
             handle.write (self._bundle)
-        tar = tarfile.open (os.path.join (tmp_d, "bundle.tar"))
+        tar = tarfile.open ("bundle.tar")
         tar.extractall ()
         tar.close ()

         package_info = json.load (open ("info.bundle", "r"))
         os.chdir (package_info["appdir"])
+        # Executing the program
         p = subprocess.Popen (package_info["appcmd"], shell = True)
         p.wait ()
-        shutil.rmtree (tmp_d)

-def ask (question):
-    if sys.version_info > (3,0):
-        print ("\033[32;1m>\033[0m", str(question), ":", end=" ")
-        sys.stdout.flush ()
-        return sys.stdin.readline ().strip ("\n")
-    else:
-        return raw_input ("\033[32;1m> \033[0m" + str(question) +": ")
+        # Remove extracted files
+        shutil.rmtree (tmp_d)

 def print_msg (msg):
     print ("\033[31;1m> \033[0m%s" % msg)
@@ -134,11 +130,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         bundle.unbundle_app ()
         print_msg ("Entering bundle mode")
-        appdir = sys.argv[1]
-        appname = ask ("Enter bundle name")
-        appcmd =  ask ("Enter the command to run the application")
-        bundle = Bundle (appname)
-        b_path = bundle.bundle_app (appdir, appcmd)
+        package_info = json.load (open (sys.argv[1], "r"))
+        bundle = Bundle (package_info["appname"])
+        b_path = bundle.bundle_app (package_info["appdir"],
+                                    package_info["appcmd"])

         if b_path is not None:
             print_msg ("Bundle created correctly as %s" % b_path)