viewgit/index.php:465 Only variables should be passed by reference [2048]
viewgit/index.php:466 Non-static method GeSHi::get_language_name_from_extension() should not be called statically [2048]
# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Whois module for the pywhoisd server import SocketServer, re, math, syslog, threading from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler from ipcalc import IP, Network def FormatOutput(field, value): """ Format a field, value pair for the output from the server. """ output = (field + ":").ljust(24) output += value + "\n" return " "*4 + output def FormatMessage(message): """ Prepare a message to be written from the server. """ output = "" for line in message.split("\n"): line = line.strip() output += """\n :: """ + line return output + "\n" class Logger(): """ Logger class that allow pywhoisd to log everything on syslog. """ def __init__(self, verbose = False): self.verbose = verbose def Log(self, message): """Log a message to syslog""" syslog.syslog ("[pywhoisd] " + message) if self.verbose: print message def __call__(self, message): self.Log (message) class Config(): """ Config class manage configuration contained in the config file and acts like a dictionary that provides data to other classes """ def __init__(self, config_file): """ Load config file and save data in memory """ self.config = {} f = open(config_file, 'r') content = f.close() for (key, value) in re.findall(r"([^\s]+)\s*=\s*([^;]+)\s*;", content): self.config[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): if self.config.has_key(key): return self.config[key] else: return None def has_key(self, key): return self.config.has_key(key) class WhoisRequestHandler(SocketServer.StreamRequestHandler): """ This handler answers to the whois request that arrives to the WhoisServer. """ def handle(self, ): # Come prima cosa salutiamo hello = self.server.config['welcome_banner'] if hello: response = FormatMessage(hello) else: response = "" # Obtain the whois request request = self.rfile.readline().strip() if"\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+", request.strip()): response += self.server.ResolveAddress(request.split("/")[0]) else: response += self.server.ResolveDomain(request) response += FormatMessage("Bye") self.request.send (response) return class WhoisServer(SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer): """ The real server. We allow reusing of address so we can stop and start in a moment. """ allow_reuse_address = True def __init__(self, (host, port), logger, config): SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer.__init__(self, (host, port), WhoisRequestHandler) self.logger = logger self.config = config self.ip_database = {} self.domain_database = {} self.LoadDatabase(config['database_file']) def LoadDatabase(self, database_file): """ Populate server database with the data in the database file """ self.logger.Log ("Populating database with entry in %s" % database_file) try: f = open(database_file, 'r') database_data = except IOError: self.logger.Log ("Error while loading config file. exiting") nets = re.findall (r"net\s+(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+[/\d]*)[\s|\n]+\{([^\}]+)\};", database_data) for net in nets: self.logger.Log ("Loading net %s" % net[0]) fields = re.findall(r"(\w+)\s*=\s*([^;]+);", net[1]) name, owner, ns = None, None, None data = {} for field, value in fields: if field.lower() == 'name': name = value.strip() elif field.lower() == 'owner': owner = value.strip() elif field.lower() == 'ns': ns = value.strip() else: data[field] = value self.ip_database[net[0]] = Net(name = name, owner = owner, ns = ns, data = data) domains = re.findall(r"domain\s+([^\s]+)[\s|\n]+\{([^\}]+)\};", database_data) for domain in domains: self.logger.Log ("Loading domain %s" % domain[0]) fields = re.findall(r"(\w+)\s*=\s*([^;]+);", domain[1]) name, owner, ns = None, None, None data = {} for field, value in fields: if field.lower() == 'name': name = value.strip() elif field.lower() == 'owner': owner = value.strip() elif field.lower() == 'ns': ns = value.strip() else: data[field] = value self.domain_database[domain[0]] = Domain(name = name, owner = owner, ns = ns, data = data) def ResolveDomain(self, domain): """ Find domain data and return them ready for output for the server """ domain = domain.strip(".") output = "" domains = self.GetParentDomains(domain) for d in domains: output += FormatMessage("GNet whoisd answering for domain %s" % d) output += FormatOutput ("Domain", d) domain = self.domain_database[d] if is not None: output += FormatOutput ("Name", if domain.owner is not None: output += FormatOutput ("Owner", domain.owner) if domain.ns is not None: output += FormatOutput ("Nameserver", domain.ns) if len( > 0: output += FormatMessage("Additional data") for k, v in output += FormatOutput (k.capitalize(),v) if len(domains) == 0: return FormatMessage("No domain found for %s" % domain) return output def GetParentDomains(self, domain): """ Return a list of domains that contain the domain passed as argument """ interesting_domains = [] for domain_name, domain_data in self.domain_database.items(): if domain.endswith(domain_name): interesting_domains.append (domain_name) return interesting_domains def ResolveAddress(self, ip): """ Resolve an ip: it searches all the data that match it (i.e. all the subnets that contain it) and return output text ready for the server response. """ output = "" nets = self.GetParentNetworks(ip) for net in nets: output += FormatMessage("GNet whoisd answering for ip %s" % ip) output += FormatOutput ("Range", net) net = self.ip_database[net] if is not None: output += FormatOutput ("Name", if net.owner is not None: output += FormatOutput ("Owner", net.owner) if net.ns is not None: output += FormatOutput ("Nameserver", net.ns) if len( > 0: output += FormatMessage("Additional data") for k, v in output += FormatOutput (k.capitalize(),v) if len(nets) == 0: output = FormatMessage("Address %s not found\n" % ip) return output def GetParentNetworks(self, ip): """ Get network in which the given ip is """ interesting_networks = [] for (address, net) in self.ip_database.items(): try: if IP(ip) in Network(address): interesting_networks.append (address) except: continue return interesting_networks class Net(): """ Net is a class representing the network contained in the local database and the net obtained from other whois server. It act as a C struct containing only the data and no method. """ def __init__(self, name, owner, ns, data): = name self.owner = owner self.ns = ns = data class Domain(): """ The same of Net, but with the domain names. """ def __init__(self, name, owner, ns, data):, self.owner, self.ns = name, owner, ns = data class WhoisHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): print self.path[1:] request = self.path[1:].strip() s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(("", 43)) s.send (request + "\n") response = s.recv(1024) s.close () self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(re.sub("\n", "<br>\n", response)) return class BackgroundWhoisHTTPServer(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, whoisserver): threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): self.server = HTTPServer(("", 80), WhoisHTTPRequestHandler) self.server.serve_forever() def shutdown(self): self.server.socket.close () self.server.shutdown()