Sergio Steffè
Born: May, 26, 1948; Trieste (Italy).
- 1967: "Diploma di Maturità Classica" ( Liceo Ginnasio Dante Alighieri,Trieste ).
- 1967: successful admission (first, ex aequo, 75/80 marks) at undergraduate scholarship of Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (Faculty of Sciences).
- 1971: "Laurea in Matematica" at the University of Pisa with 110/110 marks "cum laude", defending a thesis on Statistical Decision Theory, advisor Prof. Ennio de Giorgi.
- 1971: "Diploma di Licenza in Matematica" of Scuola Normale Superiore.
- 1971/1974: doctoral fellowship at Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa.
Academic and Professional Experience:
- 1974/1975: "Assistente di Ruolo alla Cattedra di Statistica Industriale" at Cagliari University,
- 1976/1981: "Assistente di Ruolo alla Cattedra di Matematica Finanziaria" at Padova University (Verona)
- 1982/1984: "Assistente di Ruolo alla Cattedra di Analisi Matematica" at Pisa University
- 1985 to now: Associate Professor at Pisa University
- 1986-1993 and 1996-1998: Director of the Computer Center of the Department of Mathematics at Pisa University.
- 1991-2005: active part in the working groups ( 1991/1995 UNIPINET, 1996/2005 SERRA ) that
built the Pisa University's networking infrastructure, connecting with fiber optic cables all the buildings of the University, that are spread all througth the town of Pisa.
- 1999 to now: promoter of the informatic alphabetization iniziative PHC at the Department of Mathematics, on Linux and Network security.
- 2013 to 2017: Director of Centro di Calcolo Scientifico e Nuove Tecnologie per la Didattica of
the Department of Mathematics.
- Retirement: from Novembrer 2018.
Scientific Interests:
- Pisa 1971-1974: Statistical Decision Theory, Bayesan Statistics, Minimax Theorems and Optimization.
- Cagliari 1975-1976: Statistical fit of Data.
- Verona and Padova 1977-1982: Optimization, Control Theroy, G-Convergence an Homogeneization for ODE.
- Pisa 1982-1986: Optimization, Homogeneization for PDE.
- Pisa 1986 to now: Software for scientific numerical applications.
- 1976 to now:
Classes for undegraduate students of Faculties of Mathematics, Physics, Informatics, Chemistry, Engeneering, Pharmacy in Universities of Cagliari, Verona, Padova, Pisa :
Analisi Matematica I, Analisi Matematica, Istituzioni di Matematica I, Istituzioni di Matematica II, Matematica I, Matematica II, Matematica, Laboratorio di Comunicazione mediante Calcolatore, Laboratorio Sperimentale di Matematica Computazionale, Laboratorio Computazionale, Laboratorio didattico di Matematica Computazionale.
- UMI (Italian mathematical society)
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