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Quick Reference Guide to 100BASE-T4

12.3 100BASE-T4 Configuration Guidelines

The 100BASE-T4 Ethernet segments are defined as link segments in the Ethernet specifications. A link segment is formally defined as a point-to-point medium that connects two and only two MDIs. The smallest network built with a link segment would consist of two computers, one at each end of the link segment.

More typical installations will use multiport repeater hubs or packet switching hubs, to provide a connection between a larger number of link segments. You connect the Ethernet interface in your computer to one end of the link segment, and the other end of the link segment is connected to the hub. That way you can attach as many link segments with their associated computers as you have hub ports, and the computers all communicate via the hub.

The 100BASE-T4 specifications allow a segment of up to 100 meters. Two 100 meter 100BASE-T4 segments can be connected together through a single Class I or Class II repeater. This provides a system with a total diameter of 200 meters between DTEs. The configuration rules for mixing 100 Mbps segment types and repeater types together are described in the chapter on Fast Ethernet multi-segment configuration guidelines.

Quick Reference Guide to 100BASE-T4 - 09 SEP 95
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