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Quick Reference Guide to 100-Mbps Multi-Segment Configuration

14.5 Sample 100-Mbps Ethernet Configuration

The next figure shows one possible maximum configuration based on the 100-Mbps simplified guidelines. Note that the maximum collision domain diameter includes the distance A (100m) + B (5m) + C (100m). These segment lengths can be varied in length as long as the maximum collision domain diameter does not exceed the guidelines for the segment types and repeaters being used.

FIGURE 14.3 One possible maximum 100-Mbps configuration

In other words, the inter-repeater segment (B) in Figure 14.3 could be 10 meters in length, as long as other segment lengths are adjusted to keep the maximum collision diameter to 205 meters. You should be wary of exploiting this, however, since designing a network that relies on shorter than standard links could cause confusion and problems later on. For example, if a new segment of 100 meters is attached to the system at some later time, the maximum diameter between some DTEs could then become 210 meters. If the path delay on this long path exceeds 512 bit times, then the network may experience problems such as late collisions and CRC errors.

Note that the switching hub is just another station (DTE) as far as the guidelines for the collision domain go. The switching hub provides a way to link separate network technologies, in this case a standard 100BASE-T segment and a full-duplex Ethernet link. The switching hub is shown linked to a campus router with a full-duplex fiber link that spans up to two kilometers. This makes it possible to provide a 100-Mbps Ethernet connection to the rest of a campus network using a router port located in a central section of the campus network.

Quick Reference Guide to 100-Mbps Multi-Segment Configuration - 09 SEP 95
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