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Quick Reference Guide to 10-Mbps Multi-Segment Configuration

7.5 10-Mbps Configuration Guidelines: Model 2

The second configuration model provided by the IEEE provides a set of calculation aids which make it possible for you to check the validity of more complex Ethernet systems. In the calculation model there are two sets of calculations that must be performed for each Ethernet system that you wish to evaluate. The first set of calculations verifies the round trip signal delay time. The second set of calculations verifies that the amount of interframe gap shrinkage is within the correct limits.

Both calculations are based on network models that evaluate the worst-case path through the network. Figure 7.4 shows the network model used for calculating the round trip timing of the worst-case path. The model includes a left end segment, a right end segment, and as many middle segments as needed.

FIGURE 7.4 Network model for round trip timing

To check the round trip timing on your network, you make a similar model of the worst-case path in your LAN. We will show how the round trip timing model is used by evaluating two sample networks later in this chapter. The network model used for interframe gap shrinkage is very similar to the round trip timing model, as you will see in the section on calculating interframe gap shrinkage.

- Calculating Round Trip Delay Time
- Calculating the Interframe Gap Shrinkage
- Finding the Worst-Case Path

Quick Reference Guide to 10-Mbps Multi-Segment Configuration - 09 SEP 95
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