******* Individual LLC address values ******* LLC address value organization Document (applicable to SSAP responsible for references and individual DSAP) the document Hexadecimal/Binary --------------------------------------------------------------- 00 Z000 0000 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 ISO 8802-2 (1) 80 Z000 0001 through to -- Unreserved use FC Z011 1111 02 Z100 0000.........ANSI...................IEEE 802.1B(2) 82 Z100 0001 42 Z100 0010.........ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6.......ISO/IEC 10038 (3) C2 Z100 0011 22 Z100 0100 A2 Z100 0101 62 Z100 0110 E2 Z100 0111 12 Z100 1000 92 Z100 1001 52 Z100 1010 D2 Z100 1011 32 Z100 1100 B2 Z100 1101 72 Z100 1110 F2 Z100 1111 OA Z101 0000 8A Z101 0001 4A Z101 0010 CA Z101 0011 2A Z101 0100 AA Z101 0101.........IEEE...................IEEE 802 (4) 6A Z101 0110 EA Z101 0111 1A Z101 1000 9A Z101 1001 5A Z101 1010 DA Z101 1011 3A Z101 1100 BA Z101 1101 7A Z101 1110 FA Z101 1111 06 Z110 0000.........ANSI...................ARPANET/IP (5) 86 Z110 0001 46 Z110 0010 C6 Z110 0011 26 Z110 0100 A6 Z110 0101 66 Z110 0110 E6 Z110 0111 16 Z110 1000 96 Z110 1001 56 Z110 1010 D6 Z110 1011 36 Z110 1100 B6 Z110 1101 76 Z110 1110 F6 Z110 1111 OE Z111 0000.........IEC.....................IEC 955 (6) 8E Z111 0001.........IEC.....................IEC 955 (7) 4E Z111 0010.........ISO.....................ISO 9506 (8) CE Z111 0011 2E Z111 0100 AE Z111 0101 6E Z111 0110 EE Z111 0111 1E Z111 1000 9E Z111 1001 5E Z111 1010 DE Z111 1011 3E Z111 1100 BE Z111 1101 7E Z111 1110.........ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC6.......ISO/IEC 8208 (9) FE Z111 1111.........ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC6.......ISO/IEC TR 9577 (10) Note: 1) The bit marked 'Z' is the least significant bit and represents: i) The command/response identifier bit in an SSAP field; or ii) The address type designation bit (set to the value 'O" - individual) in a DSAP field 2) LSAP values that are neither assigned nor identified for unreserved use are reserved The following numbered list provides additional information about each of the protocols in table 1. The numbers in the list correspond to the numbers in parenthesis shown in the document reference column. 1) Used in ISO/IEC 8802-2 as the Null Address 2) Used by IEEE 802.1B: IEEE Standard for LAN/MAN Management 3) Used in ISO/IEC 10038: Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges, to identify the Bridge Spanning Tree Protocol 4) Used in IEEE Std 802-1990: LAN/MAN Overview and Architecture of Network Standards, to identify the SNAP/SAP 5) Used in RFC 791: ARPANET/IP, Internet Protocol, DARPA Internet Program Protocol Specification, to identify the Internet Protocol 6) Used in IEC 955:1989, Process Data Highway, Type C (Proway C), for Distributed Process Control Systems to identify Network Management Maintenance and Initialization 7) Used in IEC 955:1989, Process Data Highway, Type C (Proway C), for Distributed Process Control Systems, to identify Active station list Maintenance 8) Used in ISO 9506:1990, Industrial Automation Systems - Manufacturing Message Specification- Part 1: Service Definition 1st Edition; Part 2: Protocol Specification 1st Edition, Part 3: Robot Specific Message Systems, to identify Manufacturing Message Service 9) Used to identify ISO 8208:1990, Information Processing Systems - Data Communication- X.25 packet layer protocol for data terminal equipment, as the Network Layer Protocol 10) Used to identify ISO/IEC TR 9577 The preceding table lists individual and group LLC address values. Other important references are: ******* Group LLC Addresses ******* There is one Group LLC address assigned and referenced in a document, FF hexidecimal/ 1111 1111 binary; it is used in ISO 8802-2 as the global DSAP address. 03 to B3 hexidecimal/1100 0000 to 1111 1110 binary addresses are reserved for assignment by ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6. The meaning and use of the reserved Group LLC addresses are for further study. 01 to FD hexidecimal/ 1000 000 to 1011 1111 addresses are unreserved; however LSAP values that are neither assinged nor identified for unreserved use are reserved. Note that for the topic of group LLC address values, the leftmost bit in this table is the least significant bit and represents the address type designation bit (set to the value '1' - Group) in the DSAP field. ISO/IEC Technical Report 10178 -- 1991 Information Technology -- Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems -- The Structure and Coding of Logical Link Control adresses in Local Area Networks. TR 10178 includes : a.) procedures for assignment of reserved addresses, b.) information on the format of Logical Link address, and c.) references to a definition of a mechanism to allow proprietary protocols to be identified when conveyed by LLC. IEEE Std 8O2-1990. IEEE Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks: Overview and Architecture. This document serves as the foundation for the family of IEEE 8O2 Standards for local and metropolitan area networks. It contains descriptions of the networks considered as well as a reference model for protocol standards. Compliance with the family of IEEE 8O2 Standards is defined, and a standard for the identification of public, private, and standard protocols is included. Universal addresses and protocol identifiers are considered. ISO 8802-2: 1989; IEEE Std 8O2.2-1989. Information processing systems Local area networks Part 2: Logical Link Control. This standard is part of the family of local area network (LAN) standards dealing with the physical and data link layers as defined by the ISO Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model. It describes the functions, features, protocol, and services of the logical link control (LLC) sublayer, which constitutes the top sublayer in the data link layer of the ISO 8802 Local Area Network Protocol. The services required of, or by, the LLC sublayer at the logical interfaces with the network layer, the MAC sublayer, and the LLC sublayer management function are specified. The protocol data unit (PDU) structure for data communication systems is defined using bit-oriented procedures, as are two types of operation for data communication between service access points. In one type of operation, PDUs are exchanged between LLCs without the need for the establishment of a data link connection. In the other, a data link connection is established between two LLCs prior to any exchange of information-bearing PDUs. There is a type 3, acknowledged connectionless amendment to this standard that has not completed its approval process but is available in draft form as 802.2b. Availability--IEEE standards, including those adopted by ISO/IEC, as well as IEEE draft standards are available from IEEE 800/678-4333, outside the US & Canada, phone 1 + 908/981-1393. For non-IEEE documents, phone ANSI 212/642-4900 or Global Engineering 800/854-7179. ******* End of File called LLC.list *******