Ethernet Interface Driver Software

What Is It?

Ethernet interfaces require some low-level software to make them work. This software initializes the interface, sets up the interface to use the appropriate hardware and software interrupts, manages buffers and interacts with the operating system, and so on. Since this software "drives" the interface, it is called interface driver or packet driver software.

Currently there are several "standards" for supplying packet driver software that knows how to talk to various Ethernet interfaces (also called "adapters") and which can interact correctly with various PC operating systems and applications.

If the vendor of your Ethernet interface or your operating system software makes available a set of packet drivers then you can use them. Another approach that has the advantage of being vendor-neutral is to use the Crynwr collection of packet drivers made available by Russ Nelson.

Packet Driver Collection

A collection of packet drivers freely available for a wide range of PC Ethernet interfaces.


The TCP/IP FAQ provides a wide range of information on TCP/IP, including books on programming PCs as well as sources of PC interface driver software.

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