Preprints and recent Book chapters
  • D. A. Bini, B. Iannazzo, J. Meng, Algorithms for Approximating Means of Semi-infinite Quasi-Toeplitz Matrices
    In: Geometric Science of Information 5th International Conference, GSI 2021, Paris, France, July 21-23, 2021, Proceedings. Editors F. Nielsen, F. Barbaresco.
  • B. Iannazzo, B. Jeuris and F. Pompili. The derivative of the matrix geometric mean with an application to the nonnegative decomposition of tensor grids
    In: Bini D., Di Benedetto F., Tyrtyshnikov E., Van Barel M. (eds) Structured Matrices in Numerical Linear Algebra. Springer INdAM Series, vol 30. Springer, Cham. 2019.
    Due to the policy of the editor, the paper cannot be published here, but it can be sent by e-mail under request.
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    [Published version]
Journal papers Book chapters Preprint, Reports and Proceedings (2) PhD Thesis
  • Numerical solution of certain nonlinear matrix equations, PhD thesis, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Pisa, 2007. [BibTeX]
    @phdthesis {iannazzo:PhDthesis,
        AUTHOR = {Iannazzo, Bruno},
         TITLE = {Numerical solution of certain nonlinear matrix equations},
        SCHOOL = {Universit\`a di Pisa},
          TYPE = {{PhD} Dissertation},
       ADDRESS = {Dipartimento di Matematica},
          YEAR = {2007},

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