What we are producing is human understanding. We have many different ways to understand and many different processes that contribute to our understanding.
Measure and Integration Theory
2025 Spring.
STÆ402M (Mál- og tegurfræði).
Link to UGLA
and Canvas pages.
Class time: Monday 10:00 - 11:30 ; Thursday 10:00 - 12:20 ; Friday 08:20 - 09:50.
More details in the Timetable in UGLA.
Online resources for learning:
- 3b1b: amazing maths video on YouTube.
- Brilliant: online interactive learning.
- Exercism: learn coding for free.

Can you see the perfect five-pointed star?
Guides and advice
Sometimes I enjoy reading guides. Here I keep track of some which I found helpful.
- GradGuide by Mark Tomforde
- How to Write Up a Ph.D. Dissertation by Jason Eisner
- Advice for the Young Scientist by John Baez, which also cites
- Ten Lessons I Wish I Had Been Taught by Gian-Carlo Rota
Not a guide, but still interesting:
- You and your research by Dr. Richard Hamming
- Notes for prospective PhD advisees, by Kiran S. Kedlaya.
More advice on Terry Tao’s blog: Career advice.
Writing mathematics
- How to write a clear math paper: some 21st Century Tips by Igor Pak.
- How to write a paper by Oded Goldreich
- Notes on writing mathematics by Michael Cowling, in particular:
- Words such as ‘assume’, ‘suppose’, ‘show’, ‘imply’,… should usually be followed by ‘that’, but ‘have’, ‘get’ and ‘obtain’ should not be.
- “You and I” is the subject. “You and me” is the object. Tip: remove “you and” and see if the sentence is still correct. english.stackexchange.
- Apart from has to do with being separated, it can be used as exept from. While a part is a piece of something.
More resources can be found on Terry Tao’s blog: On writing.