
  1. A metric for anisotropic degenerate elliptic operators
    Equadiff, Karlstad, Sweden, June 13th, 2024.
  2. Degenerate Boundary Value Problems
    III Young Researchers Workshop in Harmonic Analysis, University of Genova, January 10-12, 2024.
    Analysis seminar, Lund, February 13, 2024.
    Analysis seminar, BCAM, Bilbao, March 21th, 2024.
  3. Kato square root problem on pasta
    Seminari M.A.P, University of Pisa, June 19, 2023.
  4. Kato & Cauchy
    Young Researchers Workshop in Harmonic Analysis, Politecnico di Torino, DISMA, January 19-20, 2023.
  5. The Stoilow factorisation theorem. summary , slides
    Summer School on Nodal domains and landscape functions, October 2022.
  6. A sharp $k$-plane Strichartz estimate.
    XLI Convegno di Analisi Armonica, Genova, May 30, 2022.
  7. Induction on scales.
    Pure Détours, Graduate seminars at the University of Birmingham, May 20, 2022.
  8. Optimal orders of the best constants in the Littlewood-Paley inequalities. material
    after Q. Xu, presented together with Odysseas Bakas.
    Harmonic analysis working group, March 4, 2022.
  9. Two weight estimates for the Bergman projection.
    Workshop CHAP: Complex and Harmonic Analysis in Padova, October 29-30, 2021.
  10. The real Kempf--Ness theorem. summary , slides
    Summer School on Brascamp-Lieb inequalities, September 2021.
  11. Sparse $T1$ theorems. slides
    Harmonic Analysis e-Seminars/Seminari a Distanza Di Analisi Armonica, 16 Jun 2021.
  12. Quadratic Sparse Domination. slides
    LMS Harmonic Analysis and PDEs Meeting, 11 Dec 2020.
  13. What is Sparse Domination and why is it so plentiful? slides
    at BYMAT, 3 Dec 2020
  14. Sparse $T1$ theorems. slides , sources
    Virtual Harmonic Analysis Seminars.
  15. Random shifted dyadic grids and what they can do for you. slides
    Analysis & PDE Working Summer Seminar (link). The recorded talk can be found here.
  16. Weak and strong estimates for sparsely dominated operators.
    Analysis Reading Seminar 2019/2020, University of Birmingham, UK.
  17. The Bourgain–Milman (via Hörmander’s) theorem. summary , slides , notes
    Summer School on Sphere Packings and Optimal Configurations. Presented with Constantin Bilz.
  18. What does maximise a Strichartz estimate? notes
    Pure Maths Postgraduate Seminar, University of Sheffield, UK.
  19. Sparse domination via sizes and outer measures.
    Analysis Reading Seminar, University of Birmingham, UK.
  20. Estimates for a \(\bar{\partial}\)-problem. summary , slides
    Summer School on Unique Continuation and Inverse Problems.
  21. Existence of extremizers for a Strichartz estimate for the 4th order Schrödinger equation
    Workshop on Harmonic analysis and Nonlinear Evolution Equations, Pisa, Italy.
  22. Behaviour of the Schrödinger evolution for initial data near \( H^{\frac14} \). summary , slides
    Summer School on Decoupling and Polynomial Methods in Analysis.
  23. Modulation spaces and Brownian motion handout
    Graduate seminar on Time-Frequency Analysis and Its Applications, Universität Bonn, Germany.
  24. Extremizers for Strichartz estimates for perturbed Schrödinger equations
    Atelier d’Analyse Harmonique, University of Nantes, France.
  25. Endpoint Strichartz Estimates. handout
    Seminar for the course "Geometric Aspects of Harmonic Analysis". University of Bonn, Germany
  26. Controlling rough paths (part II). summary
    Summer School on Paraproduct and Analysis of Rough Path.
  27. Asymptotics, frequency modulation, and low regularity ill-posedness for canonical defocusing equations. handout
    Graduate seminar on Nonlinear Fourier Transform. University of Bonn, Germany
  28. Minimax methods and geodesics. notes
    Seminar of Calculus of Variations. University of Pisa, Italy.

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